Hot again today and I am afraid that the pole beans are just going stall in this place with thousands of flowers but no beans. What a bummer. Last year I had so many.
I have been enjoying the tomatoes which are doing much better than last year. I have another load full and if the weather doesn't get a little cooler, I am going to have to freeze tomato puree again.
On another note, the okra are enjoying the heat and have begun to produce enough that I could make a whole dish. I know that okra are not most people's favorite vegetable but they are nostalgic since my mother used to make them. I was happy to see that even thought the package said that the plant grows 6-7 feet tall, mine have stalled at 4 feet. My garden feels like a jungle already. the flowers are gorgeous. These are the pickings for one day so I will have enough for a meal in three days.
My daughter left for Sleep away camp for the first time. She is there for two weeks. I had to harvest her edamame beans but I blanched them and put them in the freezer. They are very good but this was the yield of 6 plants. Does anyone know if they re-flower and will they keep producing? If not I will pull them out and plant a new fall crop which I will have to do very soon.
The other two eggplants that I planted are beginning to produce flowers and fruits and I find them to be so beautiful. I do not remember the variety of these two plants but I will take what I get.
Photo Friday: Seen At The Feeders
2 days ago