Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More *¿#*? Snow

This is what it looks like outside!

Now, in the photo below, notice the two humps behind the play equipment. Those are our compost bins. Now I understand why they recommend placing your bins by the back door near the house. I thought I was being smart placing them by the garden. Oh well. I guess we won't be going out there too soon.


  1. Although it is pretty...enough is enough!!!!!!

    We are supposed to get more snow on Saturday!

    I don't think that I would want my compost bins close to the house. I have mine in the back of the garden. They are close to the alley, so I can always get to them. I can't get to my herbs though!!

  2. I have a garbage bin that I converted into a compost bin, and it was in 3 feet of snow. I had to dig a tunnel to it!! I hate all this snow, enough is enough. LOL

  3. It looks very pretty. But we didn't have any snow this year at all! Last snow was in December.
